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Returning to the US or Canada

Residents of the United States returning from Europe are generally allowed a duty exemption of $400 in fair retail value for goods acquired abroad. Various conditions and restrictions apply. Specifically, this exemption applies only to purchases you carry, and special limits apply to tobacco, alcohol, and other items.

If you plan to make major purchases abroad or want complete customs information, refer to the booklet “Know Before You Go,” published by the U.S. Customs Service, which you can locate in the blue pages at the front of telephone books under “Department of the Treasury,” or at their website:

It is strictly prohibited to bring back any fruit, vegetable, or meat products. You should pre-register using Form 4457 any expensive imported items such as cameras, jewelry and furs that you take with you from the United States.

For information on what you can carry into Canada:
Canada carry on details