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Group Travel Tips and Resources


In todays travel environment, passports are more important than ever. To enter Europe or Canada and reenter the United States (or Canada), you must have a passport. In fact, you will not be allowed to board an airline without a valid passport …

Trip Preparations

If you have a medical condition, arrange for a check-up before traveling. Ask your doctor for a letter documenting your condition and treatment. Keep prescription medications in their pharmacy containers and carry them in your hand-carried bags …

Airport and Flight

Be sure that each of your bags is clearly and completely labeled. For each piece, place one permanent address label on the outside and another on the inside. For reasons of security, never label baggage with your home address …

Travel Security

Keep your head about you when you travel, just as you do at home. Here are some points to keep in mind: Do not discuss your travel plans with strangers. Do not leave your bags unattended, even for a moment …

Returning to the US

Residents of the United States returning from Europe are generally allowed a duty exemption of $400 in fair retail value for goods acquired abroad. Various conditions and restrictions apply …


Europe and Canada both use the metric system of measurement. Here are a few useful conversions …