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Victoria Falls, Zambia & Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zambia & Zimbabwe

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One of the greatest attractions in Africa and one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world.

Victoria Falls is located on the Zambezi River, the fourth largest river in Africa, which is also defining the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The noise of Victoria Falls can be heard from a distance of 40 kilometers, while the spray and mist from the falling water is rising to a height of over 400 meters and can be seen from a distance of 50 kilometers.
The national border between Zambia and Zimbabwe lies midstream, and national parks of both nations exist on either side of the Zambezi. The gorges and cliffs below the falls in these parks are prime territory for raptors, including falcons and black eagles.

Interestingly, during the dry season the water level in the Zambezi River drops sharply, and it becomes possible to walk through some parts of the waterfall.

Devil’s Pool

While it looks as if some visitors to Victoria Falls are flirting with disaster, swimming in the Devil’s Pool is not quite as dangerous as it looks, thanks to an underwater lip. Located on the Zambia side of the falls, the pool is only accessible during the dry season from August to January.

Zambia & Zimbabwe are now one of Africa’s most urbanised countries, much of the country remains wild, underdeveloped and unspoilt, with a great percentage of land allocated by the government to conservation projects, national parks and game management areas. Many of these parks are home to incredible numbers of Africa’s most-feted wild mammals and extraordinary birdlife.


Photo Gallery of Victoria Falls, Zambia & Zimbabwe


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