Travel is a transformative journey, often leading us to unexpected places and experiences.
Ilise Rosenfeld Litwin
One of our extraordinary travelers captured this sentiment beautifully in her blog, reflecting on the profound impact of her adventure through Africa. With her words, she takes us into the heart of her journey, revealing the blend of excitement and trepidation that accompanies such a life-changing trip. Here’s an excerpt from her experience:

No sunrise was ever the same and not one sunset resembled the night before. I found a new sense of urgency yet calm throughout my body. This feeling of anticipation and nervous energy had been building for almost a year. The reality was, oh so much more then the build up. The African Bush, Savannah and Rivers were calling to me and yet there was no way to prepare myself for what was about to happen to me…
November 2023 a phone call would change my life forever, I just didn’t know it yet. A friend of mine basically said I am preparing an experiment. I am getting a group of women together of all different ages to take a two week trip. The key to this experiment is that most of the women did not know each other except for our host. We ranged in age from our Mid 20’s to late 60’s. I know, a huge age gap, in my head I thought “how was this going to work?” Personally, I am not a real girls, girl. Would I be able to last fourteen days with all women that I did not know? Honestly, the thought of this trip could have ended right there in that moment of questioning the viability of this trip and experience. I put a lot of my thought process to the test in making my final decision. I knew I may never have an opportunity like this again and how could I say NO…
The big day had finally come as we were picked up from the airport in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. We pulled up to the reserve and as the electric fence opened we had no idea what lie on the other side. The only thing I can compare it to is when Dorothy finally makes it to see the wizard in the land of Oz. When the gates open up, there is this sense of Awe and Disbelief. I asked myself, are my eyes playing tricks on me. We were at Shamwari Private Game and Reserve, 5 Star accommodations in South Africa. We are greeted by lovely staff with a drink and warm towels. I thought to myself well this is rather bougie. The main lodge was everything I hoped it would be, with fireplaces, comfy couches, warm staff and of course a bar. The moment we stepped inside the lodge we were treated like Royalty. …
Here are some of our favorite quotes:
“No book, movie or documentary could prepare any of us for what was about to happen to us collectively. We had a great Agency that put our trip together “Adventures Africa,” with pictures and videos of our trip and our accommodations. I had no idea what I was about to go through. I want to share in detail our experience from the accommodations, the safaris and the people. This was not an experience through a single looking glass but a kaleidoscope of colors and an ever changing view. ”
“I wish I could convey what I truly experienced on these safaris. I am afraid to say that it is impossible. I will share with you what I saw but I will never be able through my words, explain how my life has changed forever being in the presence of the majestic animals.”
“Then the unbelievable happened. Picture the elephants at the base of this mountain eating away and suddenly the giraffe that were watching us earlier begin to make their way down the mountain above the elephants. The giraffe are so graceful and they elegantly zig zag down the mountain.”
“Mental Health always creeps it’s way into anything that we do. These safaris have changed my life forever. Being in the presence in the wild with these animals changed my whole perspective on life and the bubble that I live in.”
“The most mesmerizing moments is when you feel the animals lock eyes with you. It is almost as if you are having a spiritual experience.”
We’ve sparked your curiosity, now head over to Ilise’s blog to dive into the full experience! … CLICK HERE
Now imagine having an experience like this for yourself! Join us on an unforgettable journey to Africa!
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